Tuesday 24 September 2019

PERSONALS PLUS 1844 - 1952 TROVE TUESDAY 24th Sept. 2019


It's been a while since I posted some of the very informative notices to be found in the PERSONALS pages of the newspapers. They came in various formats, under various banners, but we will stay with PERSONALS as they are easily recognised.

I can't cover all from this range of years in one post, but will post more from time to time. It is so easy to lose hours at a time just reading them, however these can be searched in TROVE as can anything else. When researching, cast the widest net first... e.g. PERSONALS, then add e.g.    + Tasmania     then if you wish, break it down into cities. However, as Tasmania is relatively small compared to other states, I would just look through all Tasmanian notices. For those new to TROVE, the best asset we family historians/genealogist/history buffs have... and free to all, you will see a list of states in the side column as well as publications, etc. By all means go to your publication of interest if it appears, but do search on a wider scale as well.

You may know that your family came from "Mytown" but did you know that they once lived in "Thattown"? Always search with an open mind. Check not only the Family Notices, but also the articles... even the Advertising can throw up some great clues/bonuses... perhaps your family had a business, maybe they were selling something or looking to buy. 

"When doing genealogy housekeeping, be sure to look under every rug."

These notices often have reference to overseas people also. Please note, Irish links/connections are noted via or green lines.

Austral-Asiatic Review, Tasmanian and Australian Advertiser (Hobart Town, Tas. : 1837 - 1844), Friday 19 August 1842, page 3   

Dr. Saurin, the aged Bishop of Dromore, died on Saturday last, at Kingstown. Dromore is one of the suppressed sees, which will now be united with Down and Connor, A painful accident happened to General Sir Edward t, when on a visit to the Duke of Leinster, at Carton ; he rode over to see Colonel White, at Woodlands, and went into the stable to see a favourite horse which he had given to the Colonel some years ago. "While he was patting the beast it suddenly turned round and seized him by the jaw. It was with some exertion that the animal was made to relinquish its hold; and when the General was released, his face was found to be severely wounded, and he was much weakened by the loss of blood. Robert Caldwell, a solicitor, was indicted before Baron Richards, in the Dublin Commission Court, on Monday, for a criminal assault on Anne Corbett, the wife of Edward Lestrange Corbett, a barrister. The evidence for the prosecution did not materially differ from the statement already given of Mr. Caldwell's attack on Mrs. Corbett (who is a young lady of considerable personal attractions) during a morning call; her resistance, her escape from the room, Mr. Corbett's approach at her screams, and the obstruction which the maid-servant, fearing bloodshed, offered to bis pursuit of Mr. Caldwell. The cross-examination aimed at drawing from Mrs. Corbett and her servants the admission that Mr. Caldwell had visited her unknown to her husband, and that certain

letters produced in court, alleged to have been received by the prisoner, had been written by her; but with little success. A servant said that Mr. Caldwell had been at the house once, when her mistress desired her to tell Mr. Corbett she was out; because she was going out, and if he knew that she was at home he would detain her. Witnesses of high character deposed to the general character and correctness of Mrs. Corbett's conduct. The defence was, that an objectionable connexion actually existed between Mrs. Corbett and the prisoner. Letters were put in as hers, addressed to Mr. Caldwell as My dearest friend;" speaking apparently of the husband, as " King Richard" or "Mr. Lamb," and exhorting to caution because that person was suspicious. One letter suggested an assignation at a house which was to let. Witnesses also swore positively that they saw Mr. Caldwell and Mrs. Corbett walking together on the 10th of March and on other occasions, which she had denied; and a car-driver said that he had been engaged for six hours to drive them about. This man confessed to having been in prison for stealing and other misconduct. In his reply, the counsel for the prosecution dwelt on the fact that the allegations for the defence were utterly irreconcilable with Mrs. Corbett's whole conduct and character; and he made much of the nature of the defence as adding to the enormity of the crime, The Jury found Caldwell guilty, with a recommendation to mercy. Baron Richards —" Upon what ground, gentlemen ?" Foreman—" Upon the ground of previous good character." Baron Richards—Oh, that is the only ground then." •

Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), Saturday 2 June 1883
National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article83677395
Please click to enlarge

Queensland Figaro (Brisbane, Qld. : 1883 - 1885), Saturday 25 October 1884
National Library of Australia   http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article83675299

Queensland Times (Ipswich, Qld. : 1909 - 1954), Friday 22 October 1926
National Library of Australia    http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article115651855

Southern Cross (Adelaide, SA : 1889 - 1954), Friday 12 June 1936, page 7

The conference of the clergy of the Archdiocese, held at the Cathedral Hall, Brunswick-street, Melbourne, has presided over by His Grace. the Archbishop (Most Rev. Dr. Mannix). There were over 150 priests present.
His Grace the Archbishop of Adelaide, Most Rev. Dr. Killian, addressed the gathering, and outlined every phase of the All-Australia Catholic Education Congress, to 'be held in Adelaide in November. He was promised the warmest support of the priests of the Archdiocese.
Later, Archbishop Killian met the Bishops of the Province at "Raheen," and discussed the Congress with them.
* * *
The Very Rev. Father Alphonsus, C.P., Rector of the Passionist Monastery, Glen Osmond, is conducting a week's mission' at the Cathedral, Broken Hill. The mission opened at the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, June 7, and will conclude with the annual Corpus Christi procession on Sunday, June 14. 
* * *
Rev. Father T. O'Callaghan, parish priest at West Footscray, will celebrate the silver jubilee of his ordination to the priesthood this
Father Philip Corrigan, the oldest priest in Brisbane, died on Saturday morning at the age of 80. He came to Queensland from Ireland in 1879, and was well known in the Charleville district, where his ability as a boxer is still remembered.  ☘

Worker 16 Jun 1936

Dandenong Journal (Vic. : 1927 - 1954), Wednesday 25 June 1947, page 9

MR. JOHN DONNELLY, well-known Cranbourne identity, recently celebrated his 80th birthday—a milestone that brought him a host of congratulations
from his numerous friends. LAST WEEK-END members of the Dandenong Council were the guests of Commissioner Ireland of the M. and M.B.W. on a visit to, the Wallaby Creek catchment area. -
TO CELEBRATE the 21st birthday of A their daughter, Betty,, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Onley, “Glenholm,” Caldermeade, are giving a party in her honour at the Lang Lang Memorial Hall on July 3rd.
ON JUNE 18th at the Pakenham Bush Nursing Hospital a son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Blackwell (nee Alma Dawes). Denis Bruce they have named him. 
A DAUGHTER arrived safely for Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gray (nee Ruby Gibbs) at the Dandenong Hospital on June 13th. 
MR, F. G. GERRATY (Chief Inspector of Forests), of Berwick, and a Dandenong Rotarian, has been appointed to act as Commissioner of Forests from July 11th, during the absence of Commissioner A. A. Hone at the British Empire Forestry Conference in London.

Charleville Times (Brisbane, Qld. : 1896 - 1954), Thursday 21 February 1952, page 8
National Library of Australia  http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article76995785

Now that should sate the interest of all us BusyBees for awhile...
Images courtesy of Pixabay.

Tuesday 17 September 2019


courtesy of Pixabay

Some time back, in my  "CIRCUMNAVIGATING AUSTRALIA'S COLONIAL HISTORY " ( 11th Sept. 2018 Pt. 10 )  series, I presented a post about Maryborough, Queensland. At that time, I mentioned that there was so much more to Maryborough .. here I add a little more to the story.

You can read much of the history of Brennan & Geraghty's store here    but as they say, a picture is worth a thousand words... enjoy!


For a nominal entrance fee, you can explore the wonderful link to the past...now in the hands of the National Trust...
as always you can click on the image to enlarge...




all images ©crissouli

TROVE has many great ads... and so much variety offered...

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. / 1860 - 1947) Saturday 15 December 1877 p 1 Advertising

Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. / 1860 - 1947) Saturday 24 March 1894 p 3 Advertising

 Maryborough Chronicle, Wide Bay and Burnett Advertiser (Qld. / 1860 - 1947) Thursday 9 April 1891 p 1 Advertising

It wasn't only the Queensland newspapers that carried news of Brennan and Geraghty's store..

Canberra Times (ACT : 1926 - 1995), Wednesday 11 October 1995, page 29 (2)National Library of Australia. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article130563165

So many great places for breakfast or whatever you wish .. such as   71 Wharf...


Then of course, you can't miss seeing Mary Poppins... even the traffic lights get into the action..

As well as the Story Bank, which refers to all things re Mary Poppins, there is the PopIn Cafe ... where "Mary Poppins" meets you at the door...
all images ©crissouli

Approximately 30 minutes SSW of Maryborough is the small town of Tiaro     /ˈtaɪroʊ/ an interesting small town established in the 1840s. The attraction for many travellers is the historic hotel, established in 1881.. though litlle history is known till 1883 when the Station Hotel licence was held by Ann Hawkins...

The hotel has been very well maintained... and is quite a busy place, not only for travellers, but for locals. it also lets rooms to workers in the area. There are obvious signs of extensions, but it all blends in beautifully and the food is great, a lot nicer than the usual pub fare...

You are spoilt for choice as to which section to dine in, but how could you go past the well presented dining room.

The long table was reserved ready for a local family's celebration...

all images ©crissouli
You can read more about the history of Tiaro here...
There is nothing quite like a journey that takes you to 
unexpected places... 
where will your Country Capers take you to?

Further reading: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brennan_%26_Geraghtys_Store