First Contingent Boer War at wharf, Launceston Access: Open Tasmania’s Online Collection
The first Boer War broke out on 16 December 1880 with a skirmish between the British garrison in Potchefstroom and a 'commando' under General Piet Cronjé.
The First Boer War (Afrikaans: Eerste Vryheidsoorlog, literally "First Freedom War"), also known as the First Anglo-Boer War, the Transvaal War or the Transvaal Rebellion, was a war fought from 16 December 1880 until 23 March 1881 between the United Kingdom and the South African Republic (also known as the Transvaal; not to be confused with the modern-day Republic of South Africa).[1] The war resulted in defeat for the British and the second independence of the South African Republic.
You can read the full article here
This article gives quite a summary of the history behind the war... however as it is 25 pages, it's just a little large to post in this article. You can read the rest of it by going here .
Macleay Chronicle (Kempsey, NSW : 1899 - 1952), Thursday 21 December 1899, page 1
National Library of Australia
Please click to enlarge
Recruits signed up from all over Australia...and many families mourned their loved ones...
Telegraph (Brisbane, Qld. : 1872 - 1947), Friday 17 January 1879, page 3
National Library of Australia
Please click to enlarge
The Maitland Weekly 4 Nov 1899
South Coast Times and Wollongong Argus (NSW : 1900 - 1954), Saturday 3 March 1900, page 7
National Library of Australia
First Contingent Boer War, "Moving off" on ship "Coogee" Access: Open Tasmania’s Online Collection
Not all news from the war was bad...
Queensland Times, Ipswich Herald and General Advertiser (Qld. : 1861 - 1908), Thursday 12 April 1900, National Library of Australia
Commonwealth of Australia Gazette (National : 1901 - 1973), Tuesday 11 February 1902 (No.7), page 79 National Library of Australia
The Commonwealth Gazettes listed the appointments of Officers and Chaplains...
The first group of Boer prisoners of war to be taken by the first Victorian Contingent to South Africa, gathered near the Cape Town docks. AWM
I daresay that the most read publications were those of the casualty lists... As with all wars, it would have been with very mixed feelings that these were looked at... wanting to know more about loved ones, but dreading seeing their names in the wrong columns.
Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Monday 14 August 1916, page 10
192nd 1 LIST ISSUED.
The 192nd casualty list which was issued by the Defence department yesterday, Shows that 32 officers and 50 men had been wounded. Killed in action included eight officers and 36 men, while three officers and 74 men had died of wounds. Nine officers had been repotted missing. Five officers
and 63 men had returned to duty.
The details of the list are as follows:
ALLINGHAM, Cpl. F.C. Box Hill, 29/7/16.
COX, Pte. G.R. Kyabram, 20/7/16.
EDENBOROUGH, Bomb. F. East Brunswick, 23/7/16.
HORWOOD, Pte. C.H. Highton, 20/7/16. LAWSON, Gnr. C. F.J. Euroa. 20/7/16. LEWIS, Pte. H., East Caulfield, 20/7/16. LIGHT, Gnr. F., England, 23/7/16.
MCDONALD, Spr. J. Richmond, 21/7/16. WRIGLEY, 2nd-Lieut. T. H. Pakenham East, 20/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Chaplain S. E. Maxted, Captains N. M. Pearce, C. B. Hopkins, H. Taylor, 2nd-Lieut. C. A. Boone, T. P. Ahern, Sgt. H. J. H. Elliott, Cpl. C. Bourke, L. Cpl. J. D. Pope, Ptes. J. Murdiff, J. Boe, P. A. Woodward, J. A. Tardy, H. A. Neale, F. J. Toms, J. R. Griffiths, H. W. Smith, J. Studdert, A. Ryan, B. Leyshon, T. E. Gill, W. G. Bartlett, J. Bartels, A. Comport, W. Underhill, H. Maxim.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - Lieuts. T. P. Hagan, E. H. Chinner.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - Sgt. D. G. Coben, Cpl. H. Jones, Ptes. W. Organ, F. W. Potter, E. P. Godfrey,T. L. Hickinbotham.
192nd 1 LIST ISSUED.
The 192nd casualty list which was issued by the Defence department yesterday, Shows that 32 officers and 50 men had been wounded. Killed in action included eight officers and 36 men, while three officers and 74 men had died of wounds. Nine officers had been repotted missing. Five officers
and 63 men had returned to duty.
The details of the list are as follows:
ALLINGHAM, Cpl. F.C. Box Hill, 29/7/16.
COX, Pte. G.R. Kyabram, 20/7/16.
EDENBOROUGH, Bomb. F. East Brunswick, 23/7/16.
HORWOOD, Pte. C.H. Highton, 20/7/16. LAWSON, Gnr. C. F.J. Euroa. 20/7/16. LEWIS, Pte. H., East Caulfield, 20/7/16. LIGHT, Gnr. F., England, 23/7/16.
MCDONALD, Spr. J. Richmond, 21/7/16. WRIGLEY, 2nd-Lieut. T. H. Pakenham East, 20/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Chaplain S. E. Maxted, Captains N. M. Pearce, C. B. Hopkins, H. Taylor, 2nd-Lieut. C. A. Boone, T. P. Ahern, Sgt. H. J. H. Elliott, Cpl. C. Bourke, L. Cpl. J. D. Pope, Ptes. J. Murdiff, J. Boe, P. A. Woodward, J. A. Tardy, H. A. Neale, F. J. Toms, J. R. Griffiths, H. W. Smith, J. Studdert, A. Ryan, B. Leyshon, T. E. Gill, W. G. Bartlett, J. Bartels, A. Comport, W. Underhill, H. Maxim.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - Lieuts. T. P. Hagan, E. H. Chinner.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - Sgt. D. G. Coben, Cpl. H. Jones, Ptes. W. Organ, F. W. Potter, E. P. Godfrey,T. L. Hickinbotham.
TASMANIA. - Gnr. F. M. Cook, Pte. E. V. Adams.
AITKEN, Pte. C. R. Kensington, 21/7/16.
BAKER. Pte. J. L. B. Willlimstown. 22/7/16. BARBER, Pte. W. F., Geelong, 19/7 /16. BEARD Pte. F. A., Fairbank, 30/7/16.
CONNOR Pte. A. A., Newtown, 30/7/16. DALY, Pte W.W. Ballarat, 22/7/16. DAVIES, Sgt. H. M. Fitzroy, 22/7/16.
FLYNN, Sgt. E. J., St. Kilda, 20/7 /16. GALBRAITH, Spr. A. G. F., Essendon. GILL, Pte. R., West Geelong.
GROOM, Pte. W. C, Collingwood.
HEGARTY, Cpl. A.. Port Melbourne, 21/7/16. JOHNSON, Pte. A, A. Camberwell, 20/7/16. KING, Pte. C. Loch Valley, 21/7/16. LOCH, Pte. A.,England, 21/7/16.
MADGWICK, Pte. H.W. Richmond, 20/7/16. MAXWELL, Pte. R., Ballarat East. McILROY Pte. R., Mornington, 21/7/16.
MOWBRAY, Pte. A. C. Port Melbourne, 31/7/16. RUSSELL, Pte. A. J. Leongatha, 21/7/16. STRACHAN. Sgt. A. Bendigo . 20/7/16.
TAPNER. 2nd Lieut. B. S . Clifton Hill, 29/7/10. WELLER. Cpl. F.N." Canterbury 21/7/16.
WARRINGTON, Pte. J. D. Armitage. 22/7/16. WHISTON, Pte. F. Coralynn, 21/7/16. WILCOX, Pte. A. F. Prahran.
WOODLAND, Pte. C. W., Orbost, 21/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - 2nd Lieut. W. J. Host, A. I. Denney, Sgt. A. R. L. Mansell, L-Cpl. R.E. Griffin, L. B. Murray. C. Artist. Gnr. R. J. Jackson, Ptes. H. T. S. Mitchell, W. B. Thurling, S. V. Telfer; W. C. Richards, A. M. Capper, T. J. Lawler, W.R. Larwson, W. M. West, A. E. Gordon, R.W. Bancroft, E Smith, C. Hull, W. Jarvis, T. C. Ferguson, T. Mackey, E. Ferris, C. J. Baxter, L. Henderson, E. Barker, J. Watt, N. Lonsdale,
C. Asmussen.
QUEENSLAND. - Cpl. A. Linton, Ptes. T. T. Morphew, O. A. Mackenzie, C. C. Anderson.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Ptes. A. G. McAskill, W. R. Moore, V. Wilson, W. Blann, E. A. Warner. P.E. Smith, A. S. R. J. Bellinger.
AITKEN, Pte. C. R. Kensington, 21/7/16.
BAKER. Pte. J. L. B. Willlimstown. 22/7/16. BARBER, Pte. W. F., Geelong, 19/7 /16. BEARD Pte. F. A., Fairbank, 30/7/16.
CONNOR Pte. A. A., Newtown, 30/7/16. DALY, Pte W.W. Ballarat, 22/7/16. DAVIES, Sgt. H. M. Fitzroy, 22/7/16.
FLYNN, Sgt. E. J., St. Kilda, 20/7 /16. GALBRAITH, Spr. A. G. F., Essendon. GILL, Pte. R., West Geelong.
GROOM, Pte. W. C, Collingwood.
HEGARTY, Cpl. A.. Port Melbourne, 21/7/16. JOHNSON, Pte. A, A. Camberwell, 20/7/16. KING, Pte. C. Loch Valley, 21/7/16. LOCH, Pte. A.,England, 21/7/16.
MADGWICK, Pte. H.W. Richmond, 20/7/16. MAXWELL, Pte. R., Ballarat East. McILROY Pte. R., Mornington, 21/7/16.
MOWBRAY, Pte. A. C. Port Melbourne, 31/7/16. RUSSELL, Pte. A. J. Leongatha, 21/7/16. STRACHAN. Sgt. A. Bendigo . 20/7/16.
TAPNER. 2nd Lieut. B. S . Clifton Hill, 29/7/10. WELLER. Cpl. F.N." Canterbury 21/7/16.
WARRINGTON, Pte. J. D. Armitage. 22/7/16. WHISTON, Pte. F. Coralynn, 21/7/16. WILCOX, Pte. A. F. Prahran.
WOODLAND, Pte. C. W., Orbost, 21/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - 2nd Lieut. W. J. Host, A. I. Denney, Sgt. A. R. L. Mansell, L-Cpl. R.E. Griffin, L. B. Murray. C. Artist. Gnr. R. J. Jackson, Ptes. H. T. S. Mitchell, W. B. Thurling, S. V. Telfer; W. C. Richards, A. M. Capper, T. J. Lawler, W.R. Larwson, W. M. West, A. E. Gordon, R.W. Bancroft, E Smith, C. Hull, W. Jarvis, T. C. Ferguson, T. Mackey, E. Ferris, C. J. Baxter, L. Henderson, E. Barker, J. Watt, N. Lonsdale,
C. Asmussen.
QUEENSLAND. - Cpl. A. Linton, Ptes. T. T. Morphew, O. A. Mackenzie, C. C. Anderson.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. Ptes. A. G. McAskill, W. R. Moore, V. Wilson, W. Blann, E. A. Warner. P.E. Smith, A. S. R. J. Bellinger.
WESTERN AUSTRALIA. - Sgts. H. H. Bruce, F. A. Blythe, Ptes. W. D. Lumsden, W. H. McCormack.
TASMANIA. - Pte. J. K. Yakley.
REID, Sgt. C. J. Milawa 31/7/16.
STEVENS, A.-Cpl. L. England, 31/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. Ptes. P. A. Holliday, R. Patmore
SOUTH AUSTRALIA Pte. T. F. Shepherd.
DIED (Cause Not Stated).
EMERY Pte. H. E. St. Kilda, 28/7/16. MOORE, Pte. J. Carlsrube. SHARP, Pte. J. Dixie. SIMPSON. Pte. J. J. Hawthorn, 21/7/16.
SPOONER, Pte. E. M. West Brunswick, 31/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Ptes. R. Moore, W. F. Scott, T. Harrison.
QUEENSLAND. Ptes. - L. J. Gray, L. Anthony.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - Ptes. C. J. T. Woods, A. E. Clark.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Pte. J. H. Croft.
MORTIMER, Capt. K. M., Leneva West. SCOTT, 2nd-Lieut. G. N. Kew.
SHERIDAN, Capt. T. F. South Yarrra.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Major R. Harrison, Lieut. H.F. Briggs, 2nd Lieuts. H. R. Lovejoy, H. J. Hall, J. G. Strangman, R. D. Burns.
VICTORIA. DEAD, Pte. D. H. England.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - Pte. A. E. McDonald.
REID, Sgt. C. J. Milawa 31/7/16.
STEVENS, A.-Cpl. L. England, 31/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. Ptes. P. A. Holliday, R. Patmore
SOUTH AUSTRALIA Pte. T. F. Shepherd.
DIED (Cause Not Stated).
EMERY Pte. H. E. St. Kilda, 28/7/16. MOORE, Pte. J. Carlsrube. SHARP, Pte. J. Dixie. SIMPSON. Pte. J. J. Hawthorn, 21/7/16.
SPOONER, Pte. E. M. West Brunswick, 31/7/16.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Ptes. R. Moore, W. F. Scott, T. Harrison.
QUEENSLAND. Ptes. - L. J. Gray, L. Anthony.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - Ptes. C. J. T. Woods, A. E. Clark.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Pte. J. H. Croft.
MORTIMER, Capt. K. M., Leneva West. SCOTT, 2nd-Lieut. G. N. Kew.
SHERIDAN, Capt. T. F. South Yarrra.
NEW SOUTH WALES. - Major R. Harrison, Lieut. H.F. Briggs, 2nd Lieuts. H. R. Lovejoy, H. J. Hall, J. G. Strangman, R. D. Burns.
VICTORIA. DEAD, Pte. D. H. England.
SOUTH AUSTRALIA. - Pte. A. E. McDonald.
Ptes. C. A. GEORGE, Ascotvale; W. L. MACKENZIE, Moonee Ponds.
Pte. D. ARMSTRONG, Dandenong: F. MURRELLS, Deniliquin. N.S.W.: W. SKILTON, Sor-rento; W. T. THORN, East Brunswick.
Ptes. J. W. DAVIE, Seddon; R. FUTERIEAL, Casterton: N. H. HAMILTON, Menzies, W. A. Sgt. A. PENDER, Melbourne.
Pte. J. ALLISEY. Ballarat; Sgt. J. CADDY, North Carlton; Captain M. COATS, Footscray; Cpl. R. A. CURRY, England; Ptes. L. W. DUNK, Torrensvilllc, S.A.; E. GREEN, England: C. T. GROSS, Creswick; F. HANSEN, South Melbourne; Lieut. R. K. HIBBS, Caulfield; Ptes. C. P. HEN-I.EY, Malvern; W. O. HUGHES. Richmond; H. JEWEI.L. Warnambool; H. S. JONES. Tunstall; 2nd Lieut. A. E. KEYS. East Prahran; Pte N. LYONS, South Melhourne; Cpl. D. McDOUGALL, Glenferrie; Cpl. C. L. A. PARROTT, Geelong West; Pte. C. E. PERKINS. Lara Lake; Ptes. H. RICH-ARDSON. Abbotsford; L. P. ROGERS. Warragul; T. P. ROONEY. Northcote; J. A. C. RYALL, Ar-madale; J. SALT. England: K. J. SAVAGE, Barns-. dale; E. B. SCOtT, Brunswick; Captain W. SHARP, South Yarra; Ptes J. H. SHEEN, Newtown, Tas.; W. L. SMITH. Waterloo; G. T. SCOTT, Connewarre: J. W. SIMPER, Linton; R. F. SELLARS, Meredith; F. J. TALBOT, South Melbourne; C. G .THOMAS, Ballarat East; P. TREVILLIAN, Ascotvale; R. E. J. C. TORNEY, Swan Hill; G. R. WATKINS, Ballarat: H. WILSON, Petersham. N.S.W.; C. E. YOUNG. Armadale
Cpl. It. E. R. ALEXANDER. West Brunswick; Pte«. H. H. ALDERMAN, Footscray: C. H. AN- DERSON, South Melbourne: A. J. AUSTIN, West Melbourne; L.-Sgt. J. K. AVERY, England; L.-Cpl. F. W. BAKER. Footscray; Cpl. S. BARR. Mirboo N.; Sgt. R. F. BARNES, St. Kilda; Pte R. M. BAR-RETT, Barwon Heads; L-Cpl. C. BAYLISS, Pres-ton; Ptes. D. BERNARD, Templestowe; S. L. BEYER, Brunswick; T. BOYLE, Kew; H. A. BOOTH, Footscray: A. R. BLADIN, Croydon; A. J. IIOTTOMLEY, Warnambool: L.-C'pl, P. BOURCHIER, Newport; Sgt. T. V. BROOKS, Moolap; Ptes. W. A. BRYAN. England. W. BURN. Ararat; Sgt. W. J. BUTLER, Glenferrie.
Captain A. R. CASWELL, Murgon, Q., Ptes. A. CHARTER. Woomelang; G. W. CLARKE, Merino; T. GLOUGH, England: G. COATES, Numurkah: T. J. COOK. Berriwillock; Lieut. V. J. G. COUTIE, Middle Park.
Pte. D. ARMSTRONG, Dandenong: F. MURRELLS, Deniliquin. N.S.W.: W. SKILTON, Sor-rento; W. T. THORN, East Brunswick.
Ptes. J. W. DAVIE, Seddon; R. FUTERIEAL, Casterton: N. H. HAMILTON, Menzies, W. A. Sgt. A. PENDER, Melbourne.
Pte. J. ALLISEY. Ballarat; Sgt. J. CADDY, North Carlton; Captain M. COATS, Footscray; Cpl. R. A. CURRY, England; Ptes. L. W. DUNK, Torrensvilllc, S.A.; E. GREEN, England: C. T. GROSS, Creswick; F. HANSEN, South Melbourne; Lieut. R. K. HIBBS, Caulfield; Ptes. C. P. HEN-I.EY, Malvern; W. O. HUGHES. Richmond; H. JEWEI.L. Warnambool; H. S. JONES. Tunstall; 2nd Lieut. A. E. KEYS. East Prahran; Pte N. LYONS, South Melhourne; Cpl. D. McDOUGALL, Glenferrie; Cpl. C. L. A. PARROTT, Geelong West; Pte. C. E. PERKINS. Lara Lake; Ptes. H. RICH-ARDSON. Abbotsford; L. P. ROGERS. Warragul; T. P. ROONEY. Northcote; J. A. C. RYALL, Ar-madale; J. SALT. England: K. J. SAVAGE, Barns-. dale; E. B. SCOtT, Brunswick; Captain W. SHARP, South Yarra; Ptes J. H. SHEEN, Newtown, Tas.; W. L. SMITH. Waterloo; G. T. SCOTT, Connewarre: J. W. SIMPER, Linton; R. F. SELLARS, Meredith; F. J. TALBOT, South Melbourne; C. G .THOMAS, Ballarat East; P. TREVILLIAN, Ascotvale; R. E. J. C. TORNEY, Swan Hill; G. R. WATKINS, Ballarat: H. WILSON, Petersham. N.S.W.; C. E. YOUNG. Armadale
Cpl. It. E. R. ALEXANDER. West Brunswick; Pte«. H. H. ALDERMAN, Footscray: C. H. AN- DERSON, South Melbourne: A. J. AUSTIN, West Melbourne; L.-Sgt. J. K. AVERY, England; L.-Cpl. F. W. BAKER. Footscray; Cpl. S. BARR. Mirboo N.; Sgt. R. F. BARNES, St. Kilda; Pte R. M. BAR-RETT, Barwon Heads; L-Cpl. C. BAYLISS, Pres-ton; Ptes. D. BERNARD, Templestowe; S. L. BEYER, Brunswick; T. BOYLE, Kew; H. A. BOOTH, Footscray: A. R. BLADIN, Croydon; A. J. IIOTTOMLEY, Warnambool: L.-C'pl, P. BOURCHIER, Newport; Sgt. T. V. BROOKS, Moolap; Ptes. W. A. BRYAN. England. W. BURN. Ararat; Sgt. W. J. BUTLER, Glenferrie.
Captain A. R. CASWELL, Murgon, Q., Ptes. A. CHARTER. Woomelang; G. W. CLARKE, Merino; T. GLOUGH, England: G. COATES, Numurkah: T. J. COOK. Berriwillock; Lieut. V. J. G. COUTIE, Middle Park.
Pte. R. F. DACEY, East Malvern; L.-Cpl. L. DALGLEISH, Flemington; Ptes. D. DAVIE, Scotland.
J. H. EASSON, England; W. EDWARDS, Hawksdale; 2nd. Lieut. H. EGCINTON; Ballarat; A. E ELLERY, Footscray, G. V. EVANS, Abbotsford; SgL T. G. EVANS, Kew.
Ptes. D. FITlZGERALD, lona; L. FLEINER, Moreland; 2nd-Lieut. J. W. FORBES,'North Syd-ney, N.S.W.
Ptes. P. J. GALVIN, Maldon; G. COY, Ascotvale; W. J. GILBEE, Oakleigh.
Ptes. C. W. HARDY, England; S. HAMMETT, Preston; R. P. HENRY, Chilwell; E. R. HISKENS, Corowa, N.S.W.; C. P. HODGSON, Surrey Hills;
Cpl. C. A. HOY, St. Kilda.
Pte. G. C. JOHNSON. Callawadda.
Ptes. G. R. KIELLERUP, Malvern; E. G. KING, South Geelong; G. G. KING, Kew ; C. E. KITCHER, England; G. KLUG, Ballarat.
Dvr. A. LENEHAN, Cootamundra: 2nd Lieut. R. LEVI, Melbourne; Ptes. H. W. LONSTEAD, Dean: E W. F. I.0we, Casterton.
Pte. D. S. MAHER. Kew; E. MARTIN, England; Bombadier F. O. MATT. Balaclava; 2nd. Lieut. R.L. S. MURPHY. Elsternwick: Ptes. K. McDONALD, Costerfield: J, E. MYNOTT. West Brunswick; A. McPHEE. East Bunswick; M. McKENZIE, Buniningyong; H. McCOLL. Meredith; 2nd Lieut. D. A. McLEAN, Quambatook; Ptes. H. E. McFARLAND, Malvern; P. F. McLEAN. Charl-ton: Cpl. R. McGEORGE, Albert Park; Ptes. C. McCART, Leichhardt: A. McGLASHAN, Geelong.
Pte. R. O'KEEFE, South Geelong; 2nd Lieut, B. OLIVER. England-; Ptes. F. D. OLNEY, North Moriac; J. OULD, Fitzroy.
Ptes. S. G. PARKER, Dean Marsh: P. C. PATTIE, Geelong; T. G. PERHAM, West Brunswick; Sgt. C. R. PERSSON, Launceston. Tas.; Cpl. C. S. PURRVlS, Port Melbourne.
Ptes. F. W. RAND, Chilwell; W. J. RAWLINGS,
Rushworth; A. RENFREW Fitzroy: R. ROBIN-SON Alllan's Flat: Cpl V. Hill North Carlton
2nd Lieut S SAMUEL, North Melbourne; Ptes. G. W. SAULT, Casterton W. W. Seals, North Geelong: J. SEXTON Ireland: J. W. SHANAHAN Ireland: C. O. SIMPSON Flemington: C.F.G. SLAVIN Brunswick: L-Cpl W. SMITH Eng-land; Pte J STOKES, Chilwell: Sgt. A. STRACHAN, Bendigo: Ptes.J. SOUTHAM, Eng-land: T. SUTHERLAND Buninyong: W. SULLl-VAN North Deniliquin N S.W
Ptes R.O. TAYLOR Castlemaine: T. H. THOMAS Chewton: 2nd lieut J. R. THOMPSON Inglewood: Pte W. E. TIETJENS Carlton:
Ptes. C. A. WALKER Dlmboola: C. J. WELSH East Brunswick H.R. WHEELER England: R. W. WHITE East Melbourne : J. T WHISTON cora Lynn; E.C. WOOD Yarram: G WOODGER. Genoa River.
Gnr J. Angwin Ptes T. P Arnold, T.H. Andrews, H Beadle A.J. Black, J. Bryant, J. M. Brodin, Sgt A Carey Ptes R Cherry, H.F. Coleman: A Dangerfield, H. Dawbore, H. Dyring , Cpl L.C. Edwards, Ptes, E.
Ptes. D. FITlZGERALD, lona; L. FLEINER, Moreland; 2nd-Lieut. J. W. FORBES,'North Syd-ney, N.S.W.
Ptes. P. J. GALVIN, Maldon; G. COY, Ascotvale; W. J. GILBEE, Oakleigh.
Ptes. C. W. HARDY, England; S. HAMMETT, Preston; R. P. HENRY, Chilwell; E. R. HISKENS, Corowa, N.S.W.; C. P. HODGSON, Surrey Hills;
Cpl. C. A. HOY, St. Kilda.
Pte. G. C. JOHNSON. Callawadda.
Ptes. G. R. KIELLERUP, Malvern; E. G. KING, South Geelong; G. G. KING, Kew ; C. E. KITCHER, England; G. KLUG, Ballarat.
Dvr. A. LENEHAN, Cootamundra: 2nd Lieut. R. LEVI, Melbourne; Ptes. H. W. LONSTEAD, Dean: E W. F. I.0we, Casterton.
Pte. D. S. MAHER. Kew; E. MARTIN, England; Bombadier F. O. MATT. Balaclava; 2nd. Lieut. R.L. S. MURPHY. Elsternwick: Ptes. K. McDONALD, Costerfield: J, E. MYNOTT. West Brunswick; A. McPHEE. East Bunswick; M. McKENZIE, Buniningyong; H. McCOLL. Meredith; 2nd Lieut. D. A. McLEAN, Quambatook; Ptes. H. E. McFARLAND, Malvern; P. F. McLEAN. Charl-ton: Cpl. R. McGEORGE, Albert Park; Ptes. C. McCART, Leichhardt: A. McGLASHAN, Geelong.
Pte. R. O'KEEFE, South Geelong; 2nd Lieut, B. OLIVER. England-; Ptes. F. D. OLNEY, North Moriac; J. OULD, Fitzroy.
Ptes. S. G. PARKER, Dean Marsh: P. C. PATTIE, Geelong; T. G. PERHAM, West Brunswick; Sgt. C. R. PERSSON, Launceston. Tas.; Cpl. C. S. PURRVlS, Port Melbourne.
Ptes. F. W. RAND, Chilwell; W. J. RAWLINGS,
Rushworth; A. RENFREW Fitzroy: R. ROBIN-SON Alllan's Flat: Cpl V. Hill North Carlton
2nd Lieut S SAMUEL, North Melbourne; Ptes. G. W. SAULT, Casterton W. W. Seals, North Geelong: J. SEXTON Ireland: J. W. SHANAHAN Ireland: C. O. SIMPSON Flemington: C.F.G. SLAVIN Brunswick: L-Cpl W. SMITH Eng-land; Pte J STOKES, Chilwell: Sgt. A. STRACHAN, Bendigo: Ptes.J. SOUTHAM, Eng-land: T. SUTHERLAND Buninyong: W. SULLl-VAN North Deniliquin N S.W
Ptes R.O. TAYLOR Castlemaine: T. H. THOMAS Chewton: 2nd lieut J. R. THOMPSON Inglewood: Pte W. E. TIETJENS Carlton:
Ptes. C. A. WALKER Dlmboola: C. J. WELSH East Brunswick H.R. WHEELER England: R. W. WHITE East Melbourne : J. T WHISTON cora Lynn; E.C. WOOD Yarram: G WOODGER. Genoa River.
Gnr J. Angwin Ptes T. P Arnold, T.H. Andrews, H Beadle A.J. Black, J. Bryant, J. M. Brodin, Sgt A Carey Ptes R Cherry, H.F. Coleman: A Dangerfield, H. Dawbore, H. Dyring , Cpl L.C. Edwards, Ptes, E.
Freame, A.V Gordon, J. Gunn, Apy. E W Gutheridge, Pter. Harley, Cpt. R Henham, Ptes. D. W. Johnstone, R Julian, A.R. Leggo, Sgt D.R. Maddern, N.I.D. McCalman, J. S. McDonald, Capt. R.S. McLeish, Pte A. J. Macniff, C.C. Newry, C.R. O'Brien, L.T.O'Neill, R.G. Owens, L-Cpl R.M. Palmer, Ptes. F.E. Pastable, H.L. Peck, G. Proser, A. Sanderson, O. Scott, J.P. Smith, F. Sunderman, S. Ward, H Watson, Capt J.W. Wilkinson.
A case in which the death of a soldier was reported in error has occurred. The soldier was Private C.E. Kirkness whose mother Mrs M Shepherd of 208 Bourke Rd, Camberwell, received offical intimation of his death early last week. On Thursday however, the Defence department intimatcd to her that the report was íncorrect.
The Defence department asks Mrs. Jones formerly of Daley's Hill Fosterville Victoria to communicate with the officer in charge base records, Victoria Barracks Melbourne.
A case in which the death of a soldier was reported in error has occurred. The soldier was Private C.E. Kirkness whose mother Mrs M Shepherd of 208 Bourke Rd, Camberwell, received offical intimation of his death early last week. On Thursday however, the Defence department intimatcd to her that the report was íncorrect.
The Defence department asks Mrs. Jones formerly of Daley's Hill Fosterville Victoria to communicate with the officer in charge base records, Victoria Barracks Melbourne.
Sadness for many, relief for some...
A group of Mackay lads pose for a photograph as they leave as the first contingent from the region, for the Boer War. SLQ
A Boer War funeral. From the collection of Lieutenant (Lt) Bertram Alexander Gordon Watts, 5th Victorian Mounted Rifles. Watts later served in the First World War, was awarded a DSO in 1916, and attained the rank of Lieutenant Colonel (Lt Col), 4th Field Artillery Brigade. Lt Col Watts was killed in action on 10 April 1917.
Copyright expired - public domain
There is so much more information available via TROVE which is where the majority of this was found. It is a war that lasted over a number of major skirmishes... First, Second and Third contingents, with several nations being involved...
"By 1902, the British had crushed the Boer resistance, and on May 31 of that year the Peace of Vereeniging was signed, ending hostilities."
For further reading...
From my blogs...
various other sources....
South African War..
Notebook Boer War Diary [PRG 1415/10] Manuscript State Library South Australia
The South African War - The National › Exhibitions › 1901 Census
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