of convicts
selections from
1847, 1848, 1849, 1852
Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Wednesday 17 November 1847,
National Library of Australia
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Lady Penhryn
Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Wednesday 13 September 1848, page 4
Government Gazette
Friday, September 8, 1848.
His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that in accordance with the regulation dated 2nd December, 1846, the conditional pardons granted to the undermentioned persons have been so far enlarged as to enable the holders to proceed to any part of the world, except the country or colony from which they were respectively transported.
Pardons available everywhere save in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Duplex John M'Williamson, Fortune 2.
Finnegan Timothy, Isabella 3.
Foreman Thomas, John 2.
Fowler Thomas, Ocean 3.
Kelly Edmond, Larkins 2.
Payne William, Ocean 3.
Turner George, Mermaid.
Thompson John, Isabella 1.
His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that her Majesty has been graciously pleased to authorise the issue, in conformity with the provisions of the Act of Parliament, 6 Vic, cap. 7, of pardons to the undermentioned persons, on condition that they do not return to the countries or colonies in which they were respectively convicted, during the remainder of the term of their respective sentences.
Pardons available everywhere except in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Albone William, Lloyds 1 ; Allcoat George, Bengal Merchant 2 ;
Anderson Margaret, Pyramus 1 ; Anderson Peter, Camden 2 ;
Archer John, Portland 2; Arnott Douglass, Guildford 7.
Baker Joseph, Guildford 7 ; Bales George, Hive 1 ;
Ballantine Henry, Westmoreland 1 ; Barber Jacob, Minstrel 2 ; Barrett Thomas, Lady Nugent l; Bartlett, William, England 2; Baxter George, Denny 1 ; Basill George, Captain Cook 2; Becks Thomas, Asia 9 ;
Bell Samuel, Susan 2 ; Bellane Patrick, Eliza 6 ; Bishop George, Lady Hare-wood 2 ; Bluett Patrick, Brampton ; Bolger John, Roslin Castle 2 ; Bolger Michael, Roslin Castle 2 ; Bond Allan, Camden 2 ; Bond William, Hercules 4 ; Bourke Penelope, Almorah; Bourke John, Blenheim 1 ; Bowen John, Vittoria; Bowe William, Portland 2; Bowden, John, John 2; Brady Thomas, Ferguson ; Brathwaite Edward, Minerva 5 ; Brenan William, Malabar; Brewer John, Portland 1 ; Bristol Arthur, Albion 1 ; Brown Cornelius, Ocean 2 ; Brown William, Prince Regent 4 ; Brown George, Barossa ; Brown John, Roslin Castle ; Bryan Lawrence, James Laing ; Bunce alias Sibley Henry, Hercules ; Burgess John, Coromandel 3 ; Burne Richard, Parmelia ; Bush Jeremiah, Aurora ; Byfield Robert, Hooghley ; Byrne alias Murphy Andrew, Captain Cook 1.
Government Gazette
Friday, September 8, 1848.
His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that in accordance with the regulation dated 2nd December, 1846, the conditional pardons granted to the undermentioned persons have been so far enlarged as to enable the holders to proceed to any part of the world, except the country or colony from which they were respectively transported.
Pardons available everywhere save in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Duplex John M'Williamson, Fortune 2.
Finnegan Timothy, Isabella 3.
Foreman Thomas, John 2.
Fowler Thomas, Ocean 3.
Kelly Edmond, Larkins 2.
Payne William, Ocean 3.
Turner George, Mermaid.
Thompson John, Isabella 1.
His Excellency the Governor directs it to be notified, that her Majesty has been graciously pleased to authorise the issue, in conformity with the provisions of the Act of Parliament, 6 Vic, cap. 7, of pardons to the undermentioned persons, on condition that they do not return to the countries or colonies in which they were respectively convicted, during the remainder of the term of their respective sentences.
Pardons available everywhere except in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland.
Dated 1st June, 1848.
Albone William, Lloyds 1 ; Allcoat George, Bengal Merchant 2 ;
Anderson Margaret, Pyramus 1 ; Anderson Peter, Camden 2 ;
Archer John, Portland 2; Arnott Douglass, Guildford 7.
Baker Joseph, Guildford 7 ; Bales George, Hive 1 ;
Ballantine Henry, Westmoreland 1 ; Barber Jacob, Minstrel 2 ; Barrett Thomas, Lady Nugent l; Bartlett, William, England 2; Baxter George, Denny 1 ; Basill George, Captain Cook 2; Becks Thomas, Asia 9 ;
Bell Samuel, Susan 2 ; Bellane Patrick, Eliza 6 ; Bishop George, Lady Hare-wood 2 ; Bluett Patrick, Brampton ; Bolger John, Roslin Castle 2 ; Bolger Michael, Roslin Castle 2 ; Bond Allan, Camden 2 ; Bond William, Hercules 4 ; Bourke Penelope, Almorah; Bourke John, Blenheim 1 ; Bowen John, Vittoria; Bowe William, Portland 2; Bowden, John, John 2; Brady Thomas, Ferguson ; Brathwaite Edward, Minerva 5 ; Brenan William, Malabar; Brewer John, Portland 1 ; Bristol Arthur, Albion 1 ; Brown Cornelius, Ocean 2 ; Brown William, Prince Regent 4 ; Brown George, Barossa ; Brown John, Roslin Castle ; Bryan Lawrence, James Laing ; Bunce alias Sibley Henry, Hercules ; Burgess John, Coromandel 3 ; Burne Richard, Parmelia ; Bush Jeremiah, Aurora ; Byfield Robert, Hooghley ; Byrne alias Murphy Andrew, Captain Cook 1.
Campbell Richard alias John Mackay, Lloyds 1 ; Cannon James, Heroine; Carey or Casey Patrick, Eliza 6 ; Carpenter John, Norfolk 2 ; Carman Joseph, Lord Lynedock 1 ; Carr John, Mangles 2 ; Cavenhar Thomas, Exmouth ; Challenger Isaac, Hive 1 ; Chapman Richard, Lady Harewood 2 ; Chapman Robert, Hive 1 ; Chenery John, Sarah ; Chestor William, Atlas 3 ; Clancy Christopher, Neptune 4; Clarey William, Camden 2; Clark William, Parmelia 1 ; Cook Thomas, Morley 5 ; Coolahan Edward, Portland 2 ; Cooper Richard, Sesostris ; Cooper Charles, Parmelia 1 ; Cobin John, Heroine; Collins John, Norfolk; Collins Joseph, Lady Harewood 2 ; Connell John, Blenheim 1 ; Copewell Samuel, Mellish; Corbett Richard Davis, Hive 1 ; Corrigan John, Ferguson ; Cox John, Mangles 6 ; Crampton William, Midas 2 ; Cruneen Patrick, Blenheim 2 ; Cruxton Thomas, Lord Lynedock 1 ; Cummins Anthony, Mary 4; Curtis John, Lord William Bentinck, to Van Diemen's Land, Lady Kennaway to Sydney.
Daniels David, Layton ; David Thomas, Prince George; Davies William, Ocean 2; Davis Isaac, Sir William Beasley; Davis William, Prince George ; Dent George, John 3 ; Dillon William, Mangles 5; Donaldson John, Florentia 1 ; Drawner or Trayner Richard, Lonach; Driver Charles, Aurora; Drysdale John Waugh, John Barry 6 ; Dunne Patrick, Roslin Castle 2; Dunne Thomas, Forth 3; Dyball Thomas, Sarah.
Ealden James, Lady Harewood 1 ; Eaton Isaac, Guildford 6 ; Edwards George, York.
Farrell Edward, City of Edinburgh ; Fehilly James, Captain Cook 3 ; Finn Thomas, Hero ; Flinn Michael, Royal Admiral; Fogherty Michael, Minerva 4 ; Ford Thomas, Asia 10; Fawkes George, Asia 11 ; Freeman Kennedy, Hercules 3 ; French Thomas, Asia 2.
Garcia Daniel, Morley 1 ; Gardiner Thomas, Westmoreland 1 ; Gaynon alias Gainan John, Parmelia 2 ; Geary Humphrey, Andromeda 1 ; Gould Elias, Hooghley ; Goulding Peter, Marquis of Huntley 4 ; Grady Martin, Forth 3 ; Grant alias Brotherton John, Midas; Gray alias Longstaff James, Isabella 4 ; Green Richard, John 1 ; Green Henry, Parmelia 1 ; Griffith William, Morley 5 ; Groyne or Gwyn Ann, Kains ; Grugan or Grogan Peter, Captain Cook 1.
Hall James, Hooghley; Hammond Edward, Surry 4; Hance John, K. S. Forbes; Hare William, Guildford 8 ; Harris James, Bussorah Merchant ; Haslam William, Heroine ; Hatherall Job, Portland 1 ; Hawkesley James Fairlie; Hayes William, Norfolk 3; Heaman John, Neva; Headings William, Hooghley 2; Hibbert Charles, Lloyds 1 ; Higgs Andrew, Westmoreland 1 ; Hoolahan Cornelius, Norfolk 3 ; Hooton Richard, Isabella 4 ; Hodgson William, Asia ; Hogan Arthur, Countess of Harcourt; Hogan Thomas, Eliza 6; Holden Charles, Speke 3 ; Hohnes Robert, Guildford 7 ; Homer James, Claudine ; Horton Samuel, Lord Lynedock 1; Howard William, Champion 1 ; Huggins Edward, Lord Melville 3. Ingham James, Mangles 3.
Daniels David, Layton ; David Thomas, Prince George; Davies William, Ocean 2; Davis Isaac, Sir William Beasley; Davis William, Prince George ; Dent George, John 3 ; Dillon William, Mangles 5; Donaldson John, Florentia 1 ; Drawner or Trayner Richard, Lonach; Driver Charles, Aurora; Drysdale John Waugh, John Barry 6 ; Dunne Patrick, Roslin Castle 2; Dunne Thomas, Forth 3; Dyball Thomas, Sarah.
Ealden James, Lady Harewood 1 ; Eaton Isaac, Guildford 6 ; Edwards George, York.
Farrell Edward, City of Edinburgh ; Fehilly James, Captain Cook 3 ; Finn Thomas, Hero ; Flinn Michael, Royal Admiral; Fogherty Michael, Minerva 4 ; Ford Thomas, Asia 10; Fawkes George, Asia 11 ; Freeman Kennedy, Hercules 3 ; French Thomas, Asia 2.
Garcia Daniel, Morley 1 ; Gardiner Thomas, Westmoreland 1 ; Gaynon alias Gainan John, Parmelia 2 ; Geary Humphrey, Andromeda 1 ; Gould Elias, Hooghley ; Goulding Peter, Marquis of Huntley 4 ; Grady Martin, Forth 3 ; Grant alias Brotherton John, Midas; Gray alias Longstaff James, Isabella 4 ; Green Richard, John 1 ; Green Henry, Parmelia 1 ; Griffith William, Morley 5 ; Groyne or Gwyn Ann, Kains ; Grugan or Grogan Peter, Captain Cook 1.
Hall James, Hooghley; Hammond Edward, Surry 4; Hance John, K. S. Forbes; Hare William, Guildford 8 ; Harris James, Bussorah Merchant ; Haslam William, Heroine ; Hatherall Job, Portland 1 ; Hawkesley James Fairlie; Hayes William, Norfolk 3; Heaman John, Neva; Headings William, Hooghley 2; Hibbert Charles, Lloyds 1 ; Higgs Andrew, Westmoreland 1 ; Hoolahan Cornelius, Norfolk 3 ; Hooton Richard, Isabella 4 ; Hodgson William, Asia ; Hogan Arthur, Countess of Harcourt; Hogan Thomas, Eliza 6; Holden Charles, Speke 3 ; Hohnes Robert, Guildford 7 ; Homer James, Claudine ; Horton Samuel, Lord Lynedock 1; Howard William, Champion 1 ; Huggins Edward, Lord Melville 3. Ingham James, Mangles 3.
Jackson John, Bengal Merchant 1; Jeffries James, Asia 9; Jellett Henry, Aurora; Johnson Samuel, James Laing ; Jones William, Marquis of Hastings 1 ; Jones Samuel, Camden ; Jones Samuel, Prince George.
Kehoe James, Ferguson ; Kellaher Patrick, Eliza 5 ; Kelliher Denis, Eliza 6; Kelly Robert, York ; Kenny Anthony, Norfolk 3 ; Kildoff Peter, Forth 3; Kirk Thomas, Planter 1 ; Kirk James, Camden 2.
Landers Richard, England 1 ; Lawrence John, Hive 1 ; Leach John, Henry ; Lenaghan Thady, Castle Forbes 2 ; Lewis Thomas, Camden 1 ; Lewis John, Lord Lynedoch 1 ; Linehan James, Eliza 3 ; Linehan William, Eliza 3 ; Linford William, Royal George ; Lockhart Edward, Borodino.
M'Alister Robert, Royal Admiral 4; McDade James, Surry 8 ; M'Donough John, Prince George ; McMahon Francis, Captain Cook 1 ; McLoughlin Hugh, James Laing ; Madden Thomas, Providence; Madden Peter, Backwell; Maguire Felix, Royal Admiral 4; Mason Joseph, John Barry 1 ; Massey Michael, Boyne ; Meers John, Midas 2 ; Miles Jasper, Heroine; Miles William, Heroine; Milne Wardon Laws, Bengal Merchant 2 ; Minall Charles, Lady Feversham ; Mitchell Bryan, James Laing; Moonan Edmund, Hive 2; Moore Joseph, Captain Cook 2 ; Moran Patrick, Eliza 6 ; Morley Robert, Guildford 6 ; Mortimer William Ash, Marquis of Hastings 1 ; Mulry Patrick, Asia 8 ; Mulville John, Eliza 6 ; Murphy Patrick, Blenheim 1 ; Murray Edward, Parmelia 1.
Niblett Charles, England 2; Nicholls John, Henry Porcher 2.
Orphan Edward, Parmelia 1.
Packham Thomas, Parmelia 1 ; Page James, Adrian ; Page George, Lady Nugent ; Parr William, Royal Admiral 3; Parton, alias Barton, John, Mermaid; Paskin Thomas, Guildford 5 ; Peek George, Mangles 3 ; Pedley James, Florentia 2; Pratt Benjamin, Heroine ; Perry Joseph, Clandine ; Phillips Henry, Lady Nugent ; Pimm William, Mangles 6 ; Pinders Edward, Norfolk 3 ; Pizer Edward, Hive 1 ; Plunkett Peter, Royal Admiral 4 ; Podmore Wm., Malabar 1 ; Poll James, Planter 1 , Pope Avis, Louisa ; Power John, Norfolk 3.
Quadling John, Waterloo ; Quantrell John Lady, Harewood 2.
Radford George, Portland 1 ; Reason Henry, Waterloo 1 ; Reeves (1) James, Asia 9 ; Reddy James, Marquis of Huntly 3; Redman William, Lady Nugent 1 ; Remmington John, Hercules 4 ; Riley William, John 4 ; Robinson Charles, Mangles 1 ; Rogers John, Isabella 4 ; Rodgers William, Speke 3; Ryan John, City of Edinburgh 2 ; Ryder Susan, Pyramus 1.
Kehoe James, Ferguson ; Kellaher Patrick, Eliza 5 ; Kelliher Denis, Eliza 6; Kelly Robert, York ; Kenny Anthony, Norfolk 3 ; Kildoff Peter, Forth 3; Kirk Thomas, Planter 1 ; Kirk James, Camden 2.
Landers Richard, England 1 ; Lawrence John, Hive 1 ; Leach John, Henry ; Lenaghan Thady, Castle Forbes 2 ; Lewis Thomas, Camden 1 ; Lewis John, Lord Lynedoch 1 ; Linehan James, Eliza 3 ; Linehan William, Eliza 3 ; Linford William, Royal George ; Lockhart Edward, Borodino.
M'Alister Robert, Royal Admiral 4; McDade James, Surry 8 ; M'Donough John, Prince George ; McMahon Francis, Captain Cook 1 ; McLoughlin Hugh, James Laing ; Madden Thomas, Providence; Madden Peter, Backwell; Maguire Felix, Royal Admiral 4; Mason Joseph, John Barry 1 ; Massey Michael, Boyne ; Meers John, Midas 2 ; Miles Jasper, Heroine; Miles William, Heroine; Milne Wardon Laws, Bengal Merchant 2 ; Minall Charles, Lady Feversham ; Mitchell Bryan, James Laing; Moonan Edmund, Hive 2; Moore Joseph, Captain Cook 2 ; Moran Patrick, Eliza 6 ; Morley Robert, Guildford 6 ; Mortimer William Ash, Marquis of Hastings 1 ; Mulry Patrick, Asia 8 ; Mulville John, Eliza 6 ; Murphy Patrick, Blenheim 1 ; Murray Edward, Parmelia 1.
Niblett Charles, England 2; Nicholls John, Henry Porcher 2.
Orphan Edward, Parmelia 1.
Packham Thomas, Parmelia 1 ; Page James, Adrian ; Page George, Lady Nugent ; Parr William, Royal Admiral 3; Parton, alias Barton, John, Mermaid; Paskin Thomas, Guildford 5 ; Peek George, Mangles 3 ; Pedley James, Florentia 2; Pratt Benjamin, Heroine ; Perry Joseph, Clandine ; Phillips Henry, Lady Nugent ; Pimm William, Mangles 6 ; Pinders Edward, Norfolk 3 ; Pizer Edward, Hive 1 ; Plunkett Peter, Royal Admiral 4 ; Podmore Wm., Malabar 1 ; Poll James, Planter 1 , Pope Avis, Louisa ; Power John, Norfolk 3.
Quadling John, Waterloo ; Quantrell John Lady, Harewood 2.
Radford George, Portland 1 ; Reason Henry, Waterloo 1 ; Reeves (1) James, Asia 9 ; Reddy James, Marquis of Huntly 3; Redman William, Lady Nugent 1 ; Remmington John, Hercules 4 ; Riley William, John 4 ; Robinson Charles, Mangles 1 ; Rogers John, Isabella 4 ; Rodgers William, Speke 3; Ryan John, City of Edinburgh 2 ; Ryder Susan, Pyramus 1.
Sadler George, Strathfieldsaye ; Saville Benjamin, Andromeda 2 ; Scally John, Jane ; Scutton Robert, Asia 9 ; Sellings (the younger), John, Ocean 3; Sheedy John, Eliza 6; Shoulders Henry, Planter 1 ; Smith John, Coromandel 3 ; Smith John, Andromeda 2 ; Smith Isaac Partridge, Adrian ; Smith Henry, Mangles 6; Smith Thomas, Hercules 4; Smith William, Sesostris; Smith, alias Wedlock, alias Weadock, Thomas, Maitland; Snape Samuel, Andromeda 2 ; Slater John, Susan I ; Spencer James, England 1 ; Spencer William, Marquis of Huntley ; Spring David, Captain Cook 2; Stand William, Aurora; Job Stanley, John Barry 3; Startin William, Waterloo; Stephen James, Lloyds 1 ; Stephenson George, Lord Lynedock 1 ; Stott Jessie, Lady Nugent 1 ; Suffolk Elijah, Bussorah Merchant 1 ; Sullivan Michael, Royal Admiral 4 ; Sullivan Michael, Blenheim l ; Sutcliffe John, Mary 4. Taylor John, England 1 ; Taylor Charles, Heroine; Taylor William, Eden; Taylor Edward, Waterloo 5 ; Tebbs Hobart, Prince of Orange 15 Thomas William, Bussorah Merchant I ; Thompson James, Aurora ; Thorn-ton Charles, Countess of Harcourt 4 ; Tracey John, Sesostris ; Trap alias Hey John, Waterloo 1 ; Travers Patrick, Roslyn Castle 2 ; Trimby Wm., Planter 1 ; Turner James, Hercules 4. Vobile alias Vovil Edward, Lady Harewood 1.
Walker Edward, Prince Regent 4 ; Walker John,
Lord Lynedoch 1 ; Wall Wm., Lord Melville 3; Wallis William, General Hewitt ; Walsh Daniel Hercules 3; Walsh Wm. Camden 2; Wells George, Lady Nugent 1 ; West Wm., Mary ; White James, Ferguson ; Wilkins John, Roslin Castle 2 ; Williamson Thomas, Clyde 1 ; Williams John, Recovery 1 ; Williams John, Hive 1 ; Williams Joseph, Royal George; Williams Elizabeth, Fanny; Wilson Francis, John 3; Wilson Williams, City of Edinburgh ; Wilson John, Waterloo 3; Windfield John, Lady Nugent; Wood Henry, Norfolk 2;
Wright William, Waterloo 1 ; Wythe William, Susan 1.
Pardon available everywhere except in the Isle of Jersey.
Briffet William, John Barry.
Pardons available everywhere except in the Province of Canada.
Douglass John, Woodbridge. Graham William, Maitland. Hunter William, Woodbridge.
Pardon available everywhere except at Gibraltar.
Francisco Antonio, Prince Regent 4.
Pardon available ererywhere except at the Mauritius.
Walker Edward, Prince Regent 4 ; Walker John,
Lord Lynedoch 1 ; Wall Wm., Lord Melville 3; Wallis William, General Hewitt ; Walsh Daniel Hercules 3; Walsh Wm. Camden 2; Wells George, Lady Nugent 1 ; West Wm., Mary ; White James, Ferguson ; Wilkins John, Roslin Castle 2 ; Williamson Thomas, Clyde 1 ; Williams John, Recovery 1 ; Williams John, Hive 1 ; Williams Joseph, Royal George; Williams Elizabeth, Fanny; Wilson Francis, John 3; Wilson Williams, City of Edinburgh ; Wilson John, Waterloo 3; Windfield John, Lady Nugent; Wood Henry, Norfolk 2;
Wright William, Waterloo 1 ; Wythe William, Susan 1.
Pardon available everywhere except in the Isle of Jersey.
Briffet William, John Barry.
Pardons available everywhere except in the Province of Canada.
Douglass John, Woodbridge. Graham William, Maitland. Hunter William, Woodbridge.
Pardon available everywhere except at Gibraltar.
Francisco Antonio, Prince Regent 4.
Pardon available ererywhere except at the Mauritius.
Hector, Integrity.
Pardon available everywhere except at Barbadoes.
Scipio, Moffatt 2.
August, 1848, addressed to persons residing in
the Hunter River District :
Ahorne Mr. Edward, Jerry's Plains.
Baquest Mr. George, Paterson ; Benson Mr. Newcastle ; Bradshaw Mr. Charles, Maitland ; Brown Thomas, Jerry's Plains ; Burt Mr. Edmond, Hunter's River.
Connelly Patrick, Clarence River.
Fagan Patrick, Armidale ; Flint Charles, New England ; Forbes Wm., New England ; Forsyth John, New England ; Fox Mr. P., Jerry's Plains; Franklin Jno., Hunter's River; Fulford Samuel, New England.
Gillett Henry, Clarence River ; Glover Samuel, New England; Gore Mr. Richard, care of Ednigton, New England; Green Patk., care of Richard Orr, Esq., Armidale ; Gryory Mr., New England ; Gross Mr. J. Charles, Armidale; Goodwin James, New England. Henderson John, New England ; Hill John, care of G. Windham, Esq., Armidale ; Huxley F., New England.
Irvin R. J. Esq., Armidale ; Ivey Daniel, Esq., Port Stephens.
James Mr., New England ; Jamieson James, Esq., New England ; Jones John, Armidale. Kelly Martin, Muswell Brook; King Mr. Edward, New England.
Pardon available everywhere except at Barbadoes.
Scipio, Moffatt 2.
A list of unclaimed letters for the month ofAugust, 1848, addressed to persons residing in
the Hunter River District :
Ahorne Mr. Edward, Jerry's Plains.
Baquest Mr. George, Paterson ; Benson Mr. Newcastle ; Bradshaw Mr. Charles, Maitland ; Brown Thomas, Jerry's Plains ; Burt Mr. Edmond, Hunter's River.
Connelly Patrick, Clarence River.
Fagan Patrick, Armidale ; Flint Charles, New England ; Forbes Wm., New England ; Forsyth John, New England ; Fox Mr. P., Jerry's Plains; Franklin Jno., Hunter's River; Fulford Samuel, New England.
Gillett Henry, Clarence River ; Glover Samuel, New England; Gore Mr. Richard, care of Ednigton, New England; Green Patk., care of Richard Orr, Esq., Armidale ; Gryory Mr., New England ; Gross Mr. J. Charles, Armidale; Goodwin James, New England. Henderson John, New England ; Hill John, care of G. Windham, Esq., Armidale ; Huxley F., New England.
Irvin R. J. Esq., Armidale ; Ivey Daniel, Esq., Port Stephens.
James Mr., New England ; Jamieson James, Esq., New England ; Jones John, Armidale. Kelly Martin, Muswell Brook; King Mr. Edward, New England.
Landrigan James, Maitland; Larrey Bridget, Wiseman's Creek ; Lewis George, New England.
Marney John, New England : Marsh F. T., New England; M'Arthur John, Port Stephens; M'Cann Mr., Muswell Brook ; MacCloud Mr. C, New England ; M'Donald Hugh, Muswell Brook ; M'Donald H., Esq., New England ; M'Donald Rawdon, New England ; M'Gregor Samuel, Maitland ; M'Vittie Miss, Singleton ; Moltee Thomas, New England ; Morgan Mrs., Jerry's Plains ; Morrison Charles, Esq., New England ; Morse Frederick, Tamworth ; Murphy William, Armidale ; Murray William, Armidale ; Murray Thomas, New England.
Naish James, care of Marsh, Esq,., Armidale ; Naylor Matthias, New England ; Nicholas William, Clarence Town ; Nisbett William, Murrurundi.
O'Connor John, Armidale. Pearce Benjamin, Armidale. Quinley John, Macdonald River.
Roche Frederick William, New England; Roy William, New England ; Ryan Thomas, New England. Savory Thomas, New England; Sawyer Mr. Joseph, Clarence River ; Scoles William, Armidale: Sheeden William, Armidale; Sheriden Patrick, Clarence River ; Skinner James, Maitland; Skinner T. S., Muswell Brook; Skinner Mr. J., New England; Skinner Henry, Armidale; Smith John, New England; Smith Walter, Murrurundi ; Smith John, care of Mr. Clark, Armidale; Spain Thomas, Clarence River ; Spokes Mr. W., New England ; Stewart Mr. J., New England; Slirings Mrs, New England.
Towns James, Armidale. Underwood James, Liverpool Plains.
Walker George, New England ; Windom John, New England ; Whittaker S. W., Patrick's Plains.
Bussorah Merchant State Library of South Australia (B25221)
Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Saturday 17 March 1849, page 4
Please click to enlarge..
Marney John, New England : Marsh F. T., New England; M'Arthur John, Port Stephens; M'Cann Mr., Muswell Brook ; MacCloud Mr. C, New England ; M'Donald Hugh, Muswell Brook ; M'Donald H., Esq., New England ; M'Donald Rawdon, New England ; M'Gregor Samuel, Maitland ; M'Vittie Miss, Singleton ; Moltee Thomas, New England ; Morgan Mrs., Jerry's Plains ; Morrison Charles, Esq., New England ; Morse Frederick, Tamworth ; Murphy William, Armidale ; Murray William, Armidale ; Murray Thomas, New England.
Naish James, care of Marsh, Esq,., Armidale ; Naylor Matthias, New England ; Nicholas William, Clarence Town ; Nisbett William, Murrurundi.
O'Connor John, Armidale. Pearce Benjamin, Armidale. Quinley John, Macdonald River.
Roche Frederick William, New England; Roy William, New England ; Ryan Thomas, New England. Savory Thomas, New England; Sawyer Mr. Joseph, Clarence River ; Scoles William, Armidale: Sheeden William, Armidale; Sheriden Patrick, Clarence River ; Skinner James, Maitland; Skinner T. S., Muswell Brook; Skinner Mr. J., New England; Skinner Henry, Armidale; Smith John, New England; Smith Walter, Murrurundi ; Smith John, care of Mr. Clark, Armidale; Spain Thomas, Clarence River ; Spokes Mr. W., New England ; Stewart Mr. J., New England; Slirings Mrs, New England.
Towns James, Armidale. Underwood James, Liverpool Plains.
Walker George, New England ; Windom John, New England ; Whittaker S. W., Patrick's Plains.

Bussorah Merchant State Library of South Australia (B25221)
A7823, Copy of conditional pardon, 1847 Slade
Maitland Mercury and Hunter River General Advertiser (NSW : 1843 - 1893), Saturday 17 March 1849, page 4
Sesostris, Morley being piloted through the Torres Straits by HM Brig Britomart (Captioned
“Sunset May 22, 1841 of Mt. Cook”
Water colour (Publisher ca. 1841) National Library of Australia ( nla.pic-an23501541)
Goulburn Herald and County of Argyle Advertiser (NSW : 1848 - 1859), Saturday 14 February 1852, page 3
National Library of Australia
will be taking time off next week,
Tuesday, 5th June..
it will return June 12th.
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