Unclaimed Letters
As completed in 1867, without north wing or central mansard roof
- Public Domain. File:BOOTH(1873) 1.189 POST OFFICE, MELBOURNE.jpg
Argus (Melbourne, Vic. : 1848 - 1957), Friday 9 February 1849, page 4
National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article4774585
Please click to enlarge..
Geelong Advertiser (Vic. : 1847 - 1851), Monday 21 January 1850, page 2
National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article93135248


- General Post & Telegraph Offices, Brisbane, erected 1872 published by Queensland State Archives. Public Domain
Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 7 April 1849, page 2 (4)
National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article3710004
Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 12 May 1849, page 3 (6)
National Library of Australia http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article3708637
Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Monday 17 February 1851, page 2 (3)
National Library of Australia. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article3710875

Moreton Bay Courier (Brisbane, Qld. : 1846 - 1861), Saturday 7 August 1852, page 2 (6)
National Library of Australia. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article3711834


General Post Office, Hobart, Tasmania
constructed 1905..
Diego Delso. CC BY 3.0
The Courier (Hobart) 20 Jun 1849
UNCLAIMED LETTERS.—The following letters are
detained at Melbourne Post-offlce until the sea-postage is
paid, and are directed to parties in Van Diemen's Land:—
Arthur Perry, Maning Brothers, Miss Margaret Ball, A.
Cumberland, James Kay, Mr Sherrett, R. B. Stoman,
G. Wilson, and Denis Brenan, of Hobart Town; Mrs.
Roseheam, J. G Thomas, John Thompson, J. H. Wedge.
Mrs. Clarke, J. H. Atkinson, Daniel Barry, A. W.
Gilles, Mrs. W. Headland, Mrs. Lean. of Launceston; J.
C. Williams, of Oatlands; P. Brewer, ol Ringaroomer;
and— Booraldaile, of Circular Head.
South Australia

The Adelaide General Post Office building, built 1867–1872
Public Domain
South Australian Register (Adelaide, SA : 1839 - 1900), Saturday 12 January 1850, page 4
List ot unclaimed letters, at the General Post Office, Adelaide, to the 31st December, 1849 :— Note— Parties applying at the Post Office for advertised Letters, are requested to state particularly the date of the List in which they may have observed the name, be cause such reference will materially facilitate delivery. Abbot, John Chas Anderson, Miss J. N. Addisson, C. S. Archegald, Mr Ailes, Joseph Arms, Miss E. Aitken, John Atkins, Mrs Mary C. Amous, Thomas Bailly, Thomas Boundy, William Baker, Mrs Bradly, Mr Ballen, Mr „ Brady, Daniel Barklay Jane Brailey, W. H. Barker, Samuel Brandis, George Barnes, Richard Brandon, Edwin Barnett, C. „ Bray, Ambrose Barrett, J. Bray, Miss L. C. Beckett, David Brenford, Elijah Beddies, J. H. F. Brewer, William Bell, R. Briggs, Frederick Beven, J. Brooks, Thomas Biggs, George Broster, George Bird, Edwin Brown, John Bird, George Bryan, John Birdett, Mathew Buchanan, James Birley, Hornby Buckley, J. M. Blencowe, John Bull, John Blity, Elizabeth Bunday, James Blood, Mrs Burr, John Blood, Mrs Richard Burt, A. G. Boldt, Henry Butcher, Henry Callow, John Cobley, John Cameron, John Cock, Miss Geore Cameron, Dugald Colans, Mrs C. Campbell, Alexander Coleman, Joseph Campbell, William Collins. G. Carson, John Colliver, J. Carter, William Cook, William Chambers, Mr Cooter, J & M. A. Chapman, Thomas Cox, William Chappie, Mr Couche, Mr. Chellew, Wm. M. Craigie, John Chilton, William Crampton, Alicia Chivers, J. Croker, Mr Church, Hannah Crompton, Caleb Church, Isaac Crotty, Mary Churchett, Edwin Crowle, James Clapham, J. G. Cumming, Alexander Clark, James Cuppage, Thomas Claussen, J. H. Curry, Richard Coates, David
Dalwood, C. Downer, F. Davis, David Duncan, William Davis, Richard Duncan, Will or Andrew Denne. Henry Dunn, Michael Dewel, Mr Dunn, Joseph Dickens, Andrew Dunstone, Thomas Donaldson, Jane Eagar, Miss Ellen* Eiseman, P. Easton, Henry, Euin, Mrs E. Eiffe, Michael Evans, John Farr, William Foster, W. A. Federau, Frederick Foulis, George Field, George Foulis, Mr Filmer, John Fowler, Mr Fishlock, James French, Richard Fookes, W. S. Fuller, J. Formilo, Job Fuller, H. Geary. Joseph Gordon. James
George, Mr Gray, George Gilby. John Green, Mrs Giles, Thomas Green & Borrow Giles, Charles Greir, John Gillick, William Greirson, R Henry Glyde, Mr ' Groves, Henry Halifax, R. P. Hichcock, John Hull, John Joseph Highland, Geo. Chas. Hall, John Hill, Master Hall, Robert Hill R. S. Hall, Will. & Caroline Hill, Thomas Hames, Thomas Hodge, Miss Jane Hammond. C. T. S. Holder, Jas. Morecott Harper, Will. Holland, Mrs. Harris, John Honey, T. Goodman Harris. W. G. Hooper, Alfred Hart, George Hoskin, R. Hart, Miss Jane Howard, Robert Harvey, George Howard, William Harward, J. Howitt, Mr Hawkins, John . Howland, John Haydon, Edward Hughes. Thos. Healey, Miss Julia Hull, William Heening, Honnor Humphreys. William Hellings, William Hutchens, G. Henkel, Edward Huxton, Mr I'anson, Leonard Jennings, J. W. Ingram, George * Johns, William Isble, R. Johnson, Mr Jacobs, Issac Johnston, Andrew Jair, John Jones, Francis James, W. J. Jones, Miss Sarah James. Mrs Mary Jordan, Henry Jenkin, James Ken-, Miss Cinrlotte Killkelly, William Kerswell, William Ladd, J. Lewis, James Ladyman, Mrs Lewis, Margaret Lamley, William Lister, J. A, Landrigan, James, Lloyd, Miss Catherine Langford, Richard Lo^gen, James Lux, Newark Locket, John Leamand, G. Love, John Leck, Thomas Lovelock, Daniel Mack, Francis A. Montgomery, Mrs H. Mack, James Morgan. Miss Muddock, James Morris, H. Main or Marr, Mrs Mosely, W. Malouney, James Mullen, George Maples. George Munday, John
Marshall, Douglas McCord, Robert Marshall, Henry McDonald, Agnes Martin, Mrs Thos. McDowell, Miss Martin, Ann McFarling, John Matthiessen, P. E. McKenzie, Alexander May, Mrs A. McKinlay, Dr Medlow, Mrs McKinlay E. M. Mildred, William McLean, D. Mildred, George McLean, Miss Miller, James McLean, Miss M. J. Miller, John McLueash, Archibald Mills, William McMillan, Alex. K. Mitchell, William McNamara, Phillip Monckton, James Russell McOwen, John Monks, Patrick Nelson, John ' Nicholls, Simon Ness, J. Nicho son, William Newbold, Elizabeth Nixon, W. Newcome, Sophia Northy, Miss E. Neuman, Mr Notron. William Newnham, William Nott, W. C. A. Oaty, Charles O*Donahoo, James O'Dea, Thomas Oity, George Page, Mrs Peterson, Robert Palmer, Mark Phillips. W. H. Palmer, Samuel Plunkett, Thomas Parfit, H. S. Porter, Allen Partridge. G. Price, Henry Strong Payne, Henry Price Thomas Percival, Miss A. Priddoch, Wil liam Petrie, James Pridham, James Peters, Richard Quick, James Ray, Alexander ' Roberts, Mr Reed, Thomas Robertson. Mrs Rendell, Mr Robins, Samuel Reynell. Samuel Roe, John Riley, William Ruckleus, Mr Rimtouill, Lewis ° Russell, Frederick Rippin, James Sandbach, William Smith, William H. Sanders, Edward James Smith, Philip Sargent, Mrs William Softely, Joseph N. Saunders, Alfred Spicer, William Savage, William Spong, William Searle, Frederick N. Squires, Mrs Mary Ann Scott, George Stamp, J. S. Scott, Archibald Stanger. William Shaw, Thomas Stanton, Joseph Sheen, John Stevens, William Shepherd, Slater Stocks. John Shuttleworth, R. Stonall or Storall, Samuel Skelton, Thomas Stone, Claress Skitter, Stephen J. Stone, Frederick H. Small, John Straihford or Kyle, Mr Smith, Elmsly ' Stretton, Samuel Smith, Miss Hannah Satler, Mr Smith, John Sydham, George Smith, James Wing Taylor, Miss Eiiza Treloar, Thomas Taylor, Caroline Trevens, Joseph Taylor, David Trevena, William Taylor, James F. Trassell, James Thomas, William Trassell, Mrs Thompson, Charles Turner, Mrs John Thompson, Alexander Turner, Mr Treeby. Richard Uren, John Vient, Mrs Veitchoer, Mr Voss, E. D. Wallis, Mrs Whitehouse, Wm. Ward, Miss E. Y. Widdison, Thomas Ward, Miss E. Williams, T. J. Ward, George Wilson, G. Watson, Thomas Windsor, Wm. Watson. John Wishart, D. Watts, Fanny Wood, S. Webb, Will. Henry 'Woodford, Mrs Webb, W. T. B. Woodforde, J. E. Welgams, Mrs R. Woolcock, Hopson West, Thomas Wright, Thomas Walley, Joseph Yates, A. W. Young, Henry List of German Letters :— Arendt, Albert Lienese, Conrad Berdram, William Muller, F. Bolizmann, Aug. Qualmann, F. Donda, Gustav. Richter, J. Dorgerloh, C. Riemer, Mr Feusmans, Mr Rofe, H. Goes, Edward Schlamelcher, Mr Herspich, Carl August Temme, Mill. Junge, Fred. Wyerelle, R. Krause, Miss Louise Letters detained for Sea-postage :— Assee, Mr, Sydney Ayre, Dr. John, Sydney Chapman, John, sen., Manchester Drysdale, Miss A., Sydney Davy, J. W., Ottery, St. Mary's, Devon Davies, John, Morpeth, New South Wales Forbes, E., New Zealand Goodwin, Edward, Green Ponds, Van Diemen's Land Goodwin, L. W., Melbourne Hallett, A., Melbourne Hill, George, Port Phillip Johnston, James, Bilabula,: Australia Lyons, Samuel.junr., Sydney Pestle, J. L., Sydney Roper, Samuel, Vale of Clyde, New South Wales Rose, Rev. Dr, Sydney Sherlock, Mr, Melbourne
List ot unclaimed letters, at the General Post Office, Adelaide, to the 31st December, 1849 :— Note— Parties applying at the Post Office for advertised Letters, are requested to state particularly the date of the List in which they may have observed the name, be cause such reference will materially facilitate delivery. Abbot, John Chas Anderson, Miss J. N. Addisson, C. S. Archegald, Mr Ailes, Joseph Arms, Miss E. Aitken, John Atkins, Mrs Mary C. Amous, Thomas Bailly, Thomas Boundy, William Baker, Mrs Bradly, Mr Ballen, Mr „ Brady, Daniel Barklay Jane Brailey, W. H. Barker, Samuel Brandis, George Barnes, Richard Brandon, Edwin Barnett, C. „ Bray, Ambrose Barrett, J. Bray, Miss L. C. Beckett, David Brenford, Elijah Beddies, J. H. F. Brewer, William Bell, R. Briggs, Frederick Beven, J. Brooks, Thomas Biggs, George Broster, George Bird, Edwin Brown, John Bird, George Bryan, John Birdett, Mathew Buchanan, James Birley, Hornby Buckley, J. M. Blencowe, John Bull, John Blity, Elizabeth Bunday, James Blood, Mrs Burr, John Blood, Mrs Richard Burt, A. G. Boldt, Henry Butcher, Henry Callow, John Cobley, John Cameron, John Cock, Miss Geore Cameron, Dugald Colans, Mrs C. Campbell, Alexander Coleman, Joseph Campbell, William Collins. G. Carson, John Colliver, J. Carter, William Cook, William Chambers, Mr Cooter, J & M. A. Chapman, Thomas Cox, William Chappie, Mr Couche, Mr. Chellew, Wm. M. Craigie, John Chilton, William Crampton, Alicia Chivers, J. Croker, Mr Church, Hannah Crompton, Caleb Church, Isaac Crotty, Mary Churchett, Edwin Crowle, James Clapham, J. G. Cumming, Alexander Clark, James Cuppage, Thomas Claussen, J. H. Curry, Richard Coates, David
Dalwood, C. Downer, F. Davis, David Duncan, William Davis, Richard Duncan, Will or Andrew Denne. Henry Dunn, Michael Dewel, Mr Dunn, Joseph Dickens, Andrew Dunstone, Thomas Donaldson, Jane Eagar, Miss Ellen* Eiseman, P. Easton, Henry, Euin, Mrs E. Eiffe, Michael Evans, John Farr, William Foster, W. A. Federau, Frederick Foulis, George Field, George Foulis, Mr Filmer, John Fowler, Mr Fishlock, James French, Richard Fookes, W. S. Fuller, J. Formilo, Job Fuller, H. Geary. Joseph Gordon. James
George, Mr Gray, George Gilby. John Green, Mrs Giles, Thomas Green & Borrow Giles, Charles Greir, John Gillick, William Greirson, R Henry Glyde, Mr ' Groves, Henry Halifax, R. P. Hichcock, John Hull, John Joseph Highland, Geo. Chas. Hall, John Hill, Master Hall, Robert Hill R. S. Hall, Will. & Caroline Hill, Thomas Hames, Thomas Hodge, Miss Jane Hammond. C. T. S. Holder, Jas. Morecott Harper, Will. Holland, Mrs. Harris, John Honey, T. Goodman Harris. W. G. Hooper, Alfred Hart, George Hoskin, R. Hart, Miss Jane Howard, Robert Harvey, George Howard, William Harward, J. Howitt, Mr Hawkins, John . Howland, John Haydon, Edward Hughes. Thos. Healey, Miss Julia Hull, William Heening, Honnor Humphreys. William Hellings, William Hutchens, G. Henkel, Edward Huxton, Mr I'anson, Leonard Jennings, J. W. Ingram, George * Johns, William Isble, R. Johnson, Mr Jacobs, Issac Johnston, Andrew Jair, John Jones, Francis James, W. J. Jones, Miss Sarah James. Mrs Mary Jordan, Henry Jenkin, James Ken-, Miss Cinrlotte Killkelly, William Kerswell, William Ladd, J. Lewis, James Ladyman, Mrs Lewis, Margaret Lamley, William Lister, J. A, Landrigan, James, Lloyd, Miss Catherine Langford, Richard Lo^gen, James Lux, Newark Locket, John Leamand, G. Love, John Leck, Thomas Lovelock, Daniel Mack, Francis A. Montgomery, Mrs H. Mack, James Morgan. Miss Muddock, James Morris, H. Main or Marr, Mrs Mosely, W. Malouney, James Mullen, George Maples. George Munday, John
Marshall, Douglas McCord, Robert Marshall, Henry McDonald, Agnes Martin, Mrs Thos. McDowell, Miss Martin, Ann McFarling, John Matthiessen, P. E. McKenzie, Alexander May, Mrs A. McKinlay, Dr Medlow, Mrs McKinlay E. M. Mildred, William McLean, D. Mildred, George McLean, Miss Miller, James McLean, Miss M. J. Miller, John McLueash, Archibald Mills, William McMillan, Alex. K. Mitchell, William McNamara, Phillip Monckton, James Russell McOwen, John Monks, Patrick Nelson, John ' Nicholls, Simon Ness, J. Nicho son, William Newbold, Elizabeth Nixon, W. Newcome, Sophia Northy, Miss E. Neuman, Mr Notron. William Newnham, William Nott, W. C. A. Oaty, Charles O*Donahoo, James O'Dea, Thomas Oity, George Page, Mrs Peterson, Robert Palmer, Mark Phillips. W. H. Palmer, Samuel Plunkett, Thomas Parfit, H. S. Porter, Allen Partridge. G. Price, Henry Strong Payne, Henry Price Thomas Percival, Miss A. Priddoch, Wil liam Petrie, James Pridham, James Peters, Richard Quick, James Ray, Alexander ' Roberts, Mr Reed, Thomas Robertson. Mrs Rendell, Mr Robins, Samuel Reynell. Samuel Roe, John Riley, William Ruckleus, Mr Rimtouill, Lewis ° Russell, Frederick Rippin, James Sandbach, William Smith, William H. Sanders, Edward James Smith, Philip Sargent, Mrs William Softely, Joseph N. Saunders, Alfred Spicer, William Savage, William Spong, William Searle, Frederick N. Squires, Mrs Mary Ann Scott, George Stamp, J. S. Scott, Archibald Stanger. William Shaw, Thomas Stanton, Joseph Sheen, John Stevens, William Shepherd, Slater Stocks. John Shuttleworth, R. Stonall or Storall, Samuel Skelton, Thomas Stone, Claress Skitter, Stephen J. Stone, Frederick H. Small, John Straihford or Kyle, Mr Smith, Elmsly ' Stretton, Samuel Smith, Miss Hannah Satler, Mr Smith, John Sydham, George Smith, James Wing Taylor, Miss Eiiza Treloar, Thomas Taylor, Caroline Trevens, Joseph Taylor, David Trevena, William Taylor, James F. Trassell, James Thomas, William Trassell, Mrs Thompson, Charles Turner, Mrs John Thompson, Alexander Turner, Mr Treeby. Richard Uren, John Vient, Mrs Veitchoer, Mr Voss, E. D. Wallis, Mrs Whitehouse, Wm. Ward, Miss E. Y. Widdison, Thomas Ward, Miss E. Williams, T. J. Ward, George Wilson, G. Watson, Thomas Windsor, Wm. Watson. John Wishart, D. Watts, Fanny Wood, S. Webb, Will. Henry 'Woodford, Mrs Webb, W. T. B. Woodforde, J. E. Welgams, Mrs R. Woolcock, Hopson West, Thomas Wright, Thomas Walley, Joseph Yates, A. W. Young, Henry List of German Letters :— Arendt, Albert Lienese, Conrad Berdram, William Muller, F. Bolizmann, Aug. Qualmann, F. Donda, Gustav. Richter, J. Dorgerloh, C. Riemer, Mr Feusmans, Mr Rofe, H. Goes, Edward Schlamelcher, Mr Herspich, Carl August Temme, Mill. Junge, Fred. Wyerelle, R. Krause, Miss Louise Letters detained for Sea-postage :— Assee, Mr, Sydney Ayre, Dr. John, Sydney Chapman, John, sen., Manchester Drysdale, Miss A., Sydney Davy, J. W., Ottery, St. Mary's, Devon Davies, John, Morpeth, New South Wales Forbes, E., New Zealand Goodwin, Edward, Green Ponds, Van Diemen's Land Goodwin, L. W., Melbourne Hallett, A., Melbourne Hill, George, Port Phillip Johnston, James, Bilabula,: Australia Lyons, Samuel.junr., Sydney Pestle, J. L., Sydney Roper, Samuel, Vale of Clyde, New South Wales Rose, Rev. Dr, Sydney Sherlock, Mr, Melbourne
Skegg, R., St. Martin's Lane, London Thornton, George, Sydney Wentworth, C. S., Melbourne Whittle, James, Sydney Younger, Mr, Sydney
Adelaide Times (SA : 1848 - 1858), Monday 14 January 1850, page 4
National Library of Australia. http://nla.gov.au/nla.news-article207114743

South Australia Gazette & Mining Journal (Adelaide) 10 Jan 1850

Western Australia
Perth Gazette and Independent Journal of Politics and News
WA 7 Sep 1849. nla.news-article3170942.3
The Perth Gazette & Independent Journal of Politics & News 21 Jun 1850

The Perth Gazette & Independent Journal of Politics & News 18 Oct 1850

The Perth Gazette & Independent Journal of Politics & News 4 Apr 1851

The Perth Gazette & Independent Journal of Politics & News 18 Jul 1851

The Perth Gazette & Independent Journal of Politics & News 10Oct 1856

The GPO Campanile taken from Barrack Street, Sydney, prior to the addition of the clock face and bells, c. 1888. Public Domain
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